From Armor to Ease

On Intimacy: Knowledge as Armor with Nikki Blak

May 24, 2023 Chichi Agorom Season 1 Episode 13

Chichi Agorom and Nikki Blak talk about:

  1. The power of using your thoughts to shape your experience
  2. Cultivating joy as a practice
  3. How  the desire to share knowledge can sometimes be selfish
  4. Questioning and releasing the meaning we give to other people's requests

About Nikki:
Nikki Blak is a writer, sociologist, and womanist, whose art interrogates social constructs and affirms Blackness. Her thought leadership and radical education work centers historically marginalized and oppressed folks.

She holds a B.A. in Sociology and a Master of Arts in Social Justice and Community Organizing. She uses her extensive education in combination with her lived experience and ancestral knowledge to interrogate anti-Black ideologies and challenge patriarchal cultural norms. Her incendiary art provides unrelenting socio-political critique and activates liberatory praxis to dismantle systems of oppression.

As a public speaker and performer, Nikki's work has been featured on radio, national television, college universities, and at historic performance venues across the country.

She is a founder and Executive Director of The Interrupt Series, a virtual workshop and lecture program dedicated to producing anti-racism curriculum and providing education and resources to interrupt racism and patriarchy.

Born in Los Angeles and raised in Inglewood, California, Nikki resides on unceded Tongva land with her partner and children, where she works to make her ancestors proud and leave a just, equitable society for her descendants.

You can find her at,,

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Music by Ashot-Danielyan-Composer from Pixabay

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